Training about 50 counselors from among the 15-19 year olds in Rahat
in Young Leadership Project and as Counselors in Training (“madatzim” – “young
counselors”) especially for the Youth for the Future of Youth Project.
Intake and empowerment of volunteers by professional facilitators to
put them into action within the community
Operating summer day camps for about 150 children and 40 teens for the
fifth year in a row. Young counselors and local youth ran the programs.
Establishment of the English Center – the first of its kind – for
pre-school children
Reinforcing the parent-school bond, especially among the mothers, by
organizing joint parent-school-child activities such as Mother’s Day in the
schools, and boasting attendance of about 250 women each year at these special
Raising awareness among women and youth as to the importance of the
role they play in the community through workshops and projects
Implementing projects directed towards women such as the Literacy
Project – Arabic and Hebrew – for about 50 women; handicrafts for about 30
women; computers and Bedouin heritage courses for about 50 women.
Implementing the Tutoring Project for children at risk (about 60
participants) for the third straight year. These children desperately need help
with their schoolwork as they are in severe economic distress and from troubled,
problem-ridden families
Creating frameworks for at-risk youth for the fourth consecutive year
Implementing the Jewish-Arab co-existence project – Youth Leading
Change in the Negev – for about 40 high school students from the Jewish and
Bedouin sectors, each year
Holding Workshops and Study-Days for high school students for
educational guidance to encourage them to go on to higher education and assist
them in selecting their concentration for studies – the Computerized Educational
Guidance Center
Holding annual Bagrut (Matriculation) and psychometric preparation
courses each year for high school students
Opening 2 Women’s Centers in Rahat, serving about 300 women through
varied projects
Running the Bedouin Women’s Leadership and Community Empowerment
Project in Rahat
Building a Book and Games Lending Library for at-risk children in the
Association’s centers
Opening a Student Academic Guidance Center for high school and
university students in Rahat.